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The errors fall into three categories, missing parameters when creating a button object in the page, mismatched types when the parameter type is not sent or passed correctly and errors associated with the Paylink Processing. The errors, reporting number and messages are listed below.

100Not definedAPI key is incorrect or does not exist
101Amount and currency is requiredTriggered when amount or currency not passed in setAmount function
201Order number should be string typeTriggered when payment reference is not a string passed to setPaymentReference function
202Amount should be number typeTriggered when amount is not a number passed to setAmount function
203Currency should be string typeTriggered when currency is not a string passed to setAmount function
204Should be boolean valueTriggered when value is not a boolean passed to setEnabled function
301Failed to create paylinkTriggered if failed to initiate payment
302Not definedTriggered if failed to initiate payment according to server error
302Payment cancelledTriggered if payment cancelled on payer side
303Not definedTriggered if failed to initiate payment according to server not responding
304Limit reachedTriggered if limit reached for particular account